Property Details

Land for sale in Molise – Terreno con Diruto, Civitacampomarano - Civitacampomarano

  • land for sale in molise
  • land for sale in molise
  • land for sale in molise
  • DSCN5029
  • DSCN5031

Property ID : C0016

For Sale €23.000 - Land
5495 sqm Print

Land for sale in Molise – Terreno con Diruto, Civitacampomarano

Land for Sale in Molise

Land to buy in Civitacampomarano (CB) land of 5495 sqm with a ruin (a part of it) of about 30 sqm. 95 olive trees. Land for sale in Molise in a good position, accessible by an asphalted road. Nearby there is water and electricity (it is situated near the town).


Distances from:

Town Facilities:1,5 km
Beach:47 km
Airport:126 km (Pescara)
Ski Resort:71 km
Ferry Links:169 km (Naples)
Rail Links:47 km
Shops:1, 5 km
Bar & Restaurant:1 km
Schools:11 km
Post Office:1,5 km

Agent Property Molise

property molise
  • Office : +44 7501423924 | +39 0874.840337
  • Mobile : +39 348.8525680 | +39 349.4128133
  • Fax : +39 0874.840475

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