3 Recently sold properties in the region of Molise.

Recently sold properties in Molise
Sold properties: This month we’ve helped three families to make their dream come true! We have sold them three different kind of properties with different price.
We met the first family at the end of September. They are a young couple with a small baby of 3 years old and were looking to buy a typical stone house in a small village to use it during the week-ends and holidays. They began their house hunt 4 years ago, we showed them two properties. They felt in love with a nice 3 level town house to be restored with huge stone cave, two beds and a small garden of 61 sqm. The house is set in a sunny position and have beautiful views. They bought it for only 13.000euros! A really low price!
Pic.1 View from the property
Your ideal italian property is in Molise!
The second couple have 3 children and a dog.They visited just one property, it was love at first sight! After 1 hour they call us, asked for a meeting and, without negotiation, they bought a stunning and rare fortress dating back to the 1000 A.C.! The fortress has been recently and fully restored and comes with a large plot of land of 8 hectares and an oak forest. They’ve paid it 330.000 euros!
Pic.2 The fortress
The last property that we sold yesterday is a small country house of approx. 70sqm in need of complete restoration, it’s surrounded by 15000sqm of land planted with some olive trees and fruit trees. There is a well with spring water, the property is set in a panoramic position not far from the village. This couple have a 7 years old child, they came because they like the quietness of the area and the wonderful landscape. They’ve paid only 24.000euros!
Pic.3 View of the 3rd property
I hope this short description of the latest properties sold, can help you in having a more complete idea of what you can find in Molise. Maybe it’s the right place for you! Don’t lose the possibility to consider it while you are looking for your home in Italy!
Keep you update with the best selection of properties for sale in Molise browsing our portal www.propertymolise.com!
Wish you a nice week-end,
A presto!